The ministry of Lime Walk Methodist Church is made possible primarily by the generous giving of the people of our church community. Our other source of income is through the hire of our hall and smaller rooms.
How to give
One-off donations
One-off donations can be made through a direct bank transfer, which is the only way that avoids all fees and charges. Please put the word "gift" and your name in the reference. You can find our bank details below. You can also make a one-off donation through our online donation page here.
Regular Giving
The best way to give is through direct bank transfer and setting up a standing order as this avoids all fees and charges. Please ensure you put your name in the reference. You can find our bank details below. We also operate an envelope scheme to support people in regular giving. Contact the treasurer or speak to one of the stewards for more information. A collection plate is also available at our regular services for giving by cash or cheque.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, then completing a Gift Aid declaration significantly increases the value of your donation because we claim back the tax you have paid. Please note that to qualify for Gift Aid you must pay UK income tax at least equal to the tax reclaimed on your donations. Our online donations page enables you include Gift Aid. If you are making a direct bank transfer then completing the form below also enables you to Gift Aid you donation.
Bank Details
Account Name: Lime Walk Methodist Church Sort code: 40-24 -01 Account No: 41005235 Cheques should be made payable to: Lime Walk Methodist Church